
Gate 1 – selected for ADI DESIGN INDEX 2020

Milan, 3 June 2021 – Gate 1, the street furniture for smart cities – product realized by Voilàp holding group, has been selected for the ADI Design Index 2020 and will be exhibited to the public at the Adi Design Museum from the 3rd to the 20th of June, together with the other products competing for the “Compasso d’Oro 2022”.


Gate 1 is an intelligent and interconnected street furniture designed for strategic urban areas. It combines aesthetics and functionality, able to provide services such as 5G connectivity, digital advertising, mobility communications, web access, info point, way-finding, emergency calls, video surveillance, charging of electronic devices, payments, urban lighting and access to defibrillators. It also offers indirect services: immediately finding available parking, reduce traffic in polluted areas and facilitate urban mobility. Thanks to the large variety of IoT sensors, it is possible to collect and aggregate a huge amount of data and use them to act smartly, in real-time in problematic situations.


The exhibition of the selected products for the ADI Design Index volume, held at Piazza Compasso d’Oro 1 in Milan, will be open to the public at 17.30. At this venue, you will be able to have a close look and discover and appreciate the design of Gate 1 produced by Voilàp holding group.